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7 Step Program

Dare2B’s innovative solutions consist of a seven-step (7) holistic process that equips children with the essential tools for success.

Distribution Events

Equipping children with the basic tools for survival and development.

Academic Enrichment

Providing supportive relationships to encourage a child's development for better academic performance.

Creative Expression

Working with various art forms to help children work through their emotions while also developing life and motor skills.

Health and Wellness

Strengthening children’s physical, mental, social and emotional health to promote positive behavior and improve their education.

Career Development

Inspiring children to pursue their education by exposing them to an array of career opportunities and prepping them to join the workforce.

Financial Awareness

Equipping children with knowledge to manage their money. Teaching them to avoid financial vulnerability and establishing them as effective contributors to economic growth and poverty reduction.

Memorable Events

Shaping children’s lives by providing positive memories to help them develop better identities and a strong sense of value.


Special events or projects uniquely tailored to meet the needs of both: our Dare2B kids and sponsors.
Contact us to learn more.

Help a homeless child survive and thrive today.

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